Saturday, 23 May 2009

Your room is not a good workplace.

Some reasons why your room isn't fit to be a good workplace (at least, not from my experience).

07:00 - Wake up, take a shower to freshen up, eat some breakfast.
08:00 - Turn on the PC, play some music.
09:00 - Start working.
12:00 - Stomach starts to rumble.
13:00 - Grab a bite, it starts to rain outside.
14:00 - Stuffed. Get back to work.
14:15 - Feel really stuffed (ate a bit too much for lunch), plus it's really raining hard outside.
14:30 - That bed starts to look more and more tempting with each passing minute...
14:45 - Zzzzzzzzzz...

I really need to move my working space out of my room...

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

General Election and Overall Indifference

It’s been almost a month since the election for Members of Parliament, and since the results started to take shape a few weeks ago, we can clearly see what a total joke the whole political & election system in Indonesia is.

From the fiasco of the voters list to the behaviour of failed candidates, from the campaign period to Election Day, everything is one big joke. The only reason I voted was to keep those radical parties out of the parliament and government.

The list of voters published by the Election Committee left several million people stripped of their voting rights. Although I doubt that it would have severely altered the election results, it is still a problem that needs to be fixed before the presidential election. Otherwise, the Election Committee would lose all credibility they have left (which, at the moment, is already at a record low). And to show how indifferent people are about this election, even 40% of those registered as voters don’t show up to vote. Go figure…

And then we have the whole campaign period with every political party and MP candidates revealing all their programs and promises. Of course, it’s not like everyone believes what they promise anyway. But beside that point, this country’s government runs on a presidential system. The MPs have jack sh*t to do with deciding what the government programs will be. That’s up to the president and his ministers to decide. Those candidates can promise all they want, but none of them will ever be possible unless they get elected as president. Even if they do get elected president, it’s not as if they will live up to their promises anyway.

The candidates… Aaah… This is one touchy topic. Every candidate promise heaven on earth, but how true are their promises? To date we have seen failed candidates committing suicide, failed candidates going into shock and cardiac arrest, failed candidates signing up at mental facilities, and failed candidates repossessing the gifts they’ve given out during the campaign period (which ranges from computers to water pipes to mosque carpets). Not to mention candidates that have been caught red-handed being involved in theft, extortion, fraud, robbery, etc during the campaign period. Again, there is no indication whatsoever that those who DO get elected into office are any better. And those same politicians wonder why everyone is so indifferent about elections.

This country is moving closer to being a failed state with each passing day…